Christmas is a very special time of year for the vast majority of the world. It is an especially special time of year for me. It's a time for family, its a time for charitable giving (mainly to our children), but most importantly its a time to celebrate the birth and life of our savior.
Anymore, especially with some websites I'm associated with I see that in very few places, or no places at all is the word "Christmas" present. The question I have is "Why?".
Well, here's my conclusion, and its pretty simple. People want to take the rights of the people away. Its all a control issue. How do I figure this? That's simple. There are certain people/groups of people out there that do not believe in Christ or the Christian values that the majority of the people are involved. And for some reason these people with their different views find that they need to eliminate beliefs and practices from the free society of Christians as well. Their tactic is to protest and appoint lawmakers to create laws against the use of such practices and beliefs. THIS IS AN ABOMINATION!
It is absolutely ridiculous that we have to walk on eggshells around these people. I have heard so many different reasons why they are trying to make these changes to our society and every one of them is a crock of crap. I've heard that some people don't want to have to hear the word Christmas everywhere they go. They think that just because they don't believe in the holiday that everybody should change to allow them the freedom of not hearing it. Here's the thing. These traditions were in place long before you were even thought of. Centuries of traditions and practices that allow us to express OUR freedom. Another stupid excuse is hearing that the holiday is too pushy and overbearing. Here's the solution.... DON'T LISTEN!
I cant tell you how many times I have walked by people preaching things that I don't particularly believe, and all I had to do was ignore them if I wanted. Often times I would listen just out of interest in the differences between beliefs. One particular occasion was in a place back east when I was traveling around the country there was a group of Christians, at least I think they were, that was protesting that god hates children, and everybody was going to hell if we didn't join them, etc. etc. Now I didn't particularly care for that belief, in fact personally I think its bogus, but I made the choice to listen and find out exactly what they were saying, then I simply ignored it.
In my particular religion missionaries are assigned to different areas all over the world. The reason for this is to spread what we believe to be the true and complete gospel. I don't say this to discredit any religion, its simply an example. Our missionaries do anything from working on temple or church grounds, or going door to door in an attempt to interest people. This is not meant to be pushy, or to discredit other religions, its simply to spread our beliefs. Its not much different than when somebody seeing a new car or product that they absolutely love, so they tell all their friends, neighbors, and families about it. Same difference. With our missionaries you have two choices, listen to what they have to say and come to a conclusion as to whether or not it interests you, or you can close the door. Two very simple options.
The problem is that people are getting too extreme, sue happy, and most of all, money hungry. They want to find every reason they possibly can to make an easy dollar. That's what it seems to be all about. Well you don't see believers forcing people to call their different beliefs and traditions by a different name just so we don't have to hear it or so we have yet another excuse to sue. You don't see Christians attempting to get lawmakers to pass ridiculous laws to keep Antichrist things out of our society. So quit doing it to us. Just let us practice our traditions and beliefs in peace and we will continue to let you practice yours.
I will never waiver from using or displaying the word "Christmas". It is something I believe in, and something that has been an extremely important part of our society for centuries. Believers stand up with me... Stand up for what you believe in, for what you practice and enjoy in your life. God exists. Christmas is celebrated in his honor, don't ever forget the true meaning behind Christmas, and that is to celebrate the birth and life of our beloved Savior.
Thanks to all who read. I hope I made sense. :)
Great, you started a blog!